胜利的曙光——红二、红四方面军北上甘南,向红一方面军逐渐靠拢 红二、六军团与红四方面军会师前后,陈济棠、李宗仁、白崇禧等两广军阀发动“两广事变”,反对蒋介石政府,出兵湖南。蒋介石被迫将陕甘“剿共”主力军胡宗南部调往湖南。这时,中共中央连电张国焘,要红四方面军在与红二方面军会师后,迅速北上甘南,同红一方面军一起创建西北抗日根据地。
Dawn of Victory - Before and after Red Army and Red Army Fighting Forces of the Second and Sixth Corps, the two warlords such as Chen Jitang, Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi launched the “Guangdong-Guangxi War Incident” and opposed the Chiang Kai-shek government , Sent troops to Hunan. Chiang Kai-shek was forced to transfer the southern part of Huzong, the main force of the “suppression of the communist party” in Shaanxi and Gansu, to Hunan. At this time, the Central Committee of the CPC telegraphed Zhang Guofei and the Red Fourth Army quickly established a northward Gannan meeting with the first Red Army to establish the anti-Japanese base in the northwest after they joined forces with the Red Army.