一些通讯员采写新闻,节奏缓慢,写出的新闻,常与迅速发展变化的实际脱节,成为废品。不少人在吃过苦头之后,才渐渐醒悟过来,意识到新闻快节奏的重要。慢节奏的新闻一般有以下特点: 一是,遇事从头写起。“自党的十一届三中全会以来”,“某某自当厂长以来”,“今年以来”等等。然后排出一大串与新闻事实毫不相干的经历和事件,列出一笔笔陈年旧帐。二是,写“总结式”的新闻。报道一件事,从东写到西,从头写到尾,一点不丢。比如写完成某项工作,先写意义如何重大;再写领导如何组织,克服了哪些困难;最后
Some correspondents have been writing news, the pace is slow, and the news written out is often out of step with the rapid development and changes and becomes a waste product. After many people suffered bitterness, they gradually came to their senses and realized the importance of fast-paced news. Slow-paced news generally has the following characteristics: First, write down from scratch. “Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party,” “So and so since the director since”, “this year” and so on. Then a long list of experiences and events that have nothing to do with the facts of the press, and a list of old accounts. Second, write “summary” news. Report one thing, from east to west, from scratch to write the end, that is not lost. For example, writing to complete a work, the significance of writing is significant; write leaders how to organize and overcome the difficulties; the last