Factors affecting repurchase intention on online group buying websites in China

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  【Abstract】 The customer dominance business environment is the new trend. So it is necessary to have more understanding about customer behaviors and attitudes. This research aims to examine what are the determinant drivers behind satisfaction, and whether customer satisfaction will influence the repurchase intention on OGB websites in China. More than 200 questionnaires have been distributed and the analytical results from the questionnaire were measured by SPSS and AMOS software. Moreover, the managerial implications for the OGB websites will be given out in the conclusion.
  【Key words】Repurchase intention; online group buying; Customer satisfaction
  1. Introduction
  Online group buying (OGB), as a new consuming model in China, has brought lots of benefit to the customers. By exploring the driving forces behind the customer’s satisfaction and relationship between the customer satisfaction and repurchase intention, website operator can get the knowledge about how to improve their business and attract more customers to consume. The aim of this research is to examine what are determinant drivers behind satisfaction and whether customer satisfaction will influence the repurchase intention on online group buying websites in China.
  2. Key drivers of customer satisfaction and the model
  According to previous research results, cost advantages, customer perceived value and trust will be determined as the main determinant of customer satisfaction. Cost advantage refers to the lower price and lower transaction cost. Trust is of great importance on OGB website. Considering the OGB website features, the presentation and the security offered by the OGB website will be considered as the main trust determinants. The perceived value refers to the consumers’ comparison between total perceived sacrifices and total perceived benefits. The perceived value can be evaluated by product quality, business service quality and OGB website service quality.
  3. Result and discussion
  More than 200 questionnaires have been distributed in total. 167 questionnaires are effective questionnaires. With respect to data analysis, a two-step method was applied in this research, including analysis of measurement model and analysis of structural model.
  3.1 Measurement model
  The measurement model has been evaluated from two aspects. The Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of 8 items is 0.93(greater than 0.7). The result means that the level of reliability of all items is acceptable. The examination of correlation coefficients indicates great construct validity, because the correlation coefficient between the variable and the total score is greater than the coefficients of association with other variables.   3.2 Structural model
  The structural equation model has been analyzed by utilizing AMOS 17.0 software. As shown in the table, the fit of the model is acceptable.
  Table 2 shows the standardized regression result, which includes standardized coefficient estimate and result of relations between different variables. Results of this research demonstrate that, under online group buying context, perceived value and trust all positively affect consumer’s satisfaction. Unexpectedly, the result of the relation between cost advantage and customer satisfaction is negative. researchers just ignored the relationship between discount and the consumer’s quality perception. Offering low price might have a negative influence on internal reference price and consumer’s quality perception.
  4. Implication
  To start with, OGB websites should focus on improving the product quality of OGB deals, including enhancing cost performance and increasing the diversity of products.
  Second, OGB website owners should cooperate with high-quality merchants. Before customers make a purchase decision on the OGB website, they will take credibility and reputation of merchants into consideration. The evaluation of this experience could be influenced by service quality during the offline consumption process.
  Lastly, improving customer satisfaction and building customer trust on group buying sites are of great importance. Consequently, so as to win the fierce competition in the group buying industry, website should provide reliable deals and a safe payment environment.
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[摘要] 目的 探讨3P实验和D-二聚体试验在产科疾病合并DIC患者早期诊断中的意义及对预后判断的价值。方法 对36例产科疾病合并DIC患者、53例非DIC产科疾病患者和50例正常健康人分别进行血D-D和3P试验测定,并与凝血三项PT、APTT和Fbg相比较,评价它们的敏感性和特异性。结果 产科疾病合并DIC组有33例D-D浓度水平超过正常值上限(URL)500μg/L,诊断灵敏度为91.6%,明
第一书记李强坐在办公桌前,仔细地翻阅着面前的材料。正看的入神的時候手机响了,把他吓了一跳。其实,李强的手机铃声是主旋律歌曲《走进新时代》首句:“总想对你表白,我的心情是多么豪迈;总想对你倾诉……”  李强眼睛盯着材料,顺手接通了电话放在耳边:“喂,你好。我是金堂县土桥镇嘎啦村第一书记李强。真诚听你倾诉。”  听筒里传来一个娇嗔的女声:“亲爱的李书记呀,我不叫喂,你猜猜我是谁?”  李强连忙扔下手里
[摘要] 目的 研究有机磷农药中毒后中枢神经系统损害的发生发展,进一步探讨脑细胞活化剂、脱水利尿剂、肾上腺皮质激素类药物在有机磷农药中毒后的选择宜忌,提高治疗效果。方法 对168例有机磷农药中毒后中枢神经系统损害患者进行回顾性分析。结果 神经系统损害表现在有机磷农药中毒的任何时期,主要症状为头痛头晕、倦怠乏力、意识障碍,甚至发生脑疝死亡。结论 中枢神经系统的损害与有机磷农药中毒有关,及时进行预防性
[摘要] 目的 探討不同原因造成的胸腹联合伤,临床治愈及死亡原因。方法 回顾性分析我院1999年1月~2009年1月经手术治疗的198例胸腹联合伤患者病例,对比分析创伤原因及治疗结果。结果 开放性损伤与闭合性损伤治愈率与死亡率基本一致,统计学分析没有差异(P>0.05);两组出现切口感染与肺部感染比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05,没有差异;两组出现并发症的几率有差异,χ2=5.7609,P<0.0
【摘要】腾讯公司开发的社交软件已经深入人心,不仅拥有数量庞大的注册用户,而且每天在线用户数量稳居各大社交软件前列。除了具有基本的聊天、娱乐功能之外,腾讯公司的社交软件中在教学领域也有很强的应用价值。现以腾讯文档为例,探索其在高中英语协作式辅导中的重要价值,并简略阐述基于腾讯文档的协作式辅导开展方法。  【关键词】高中英语;互联网 ;腾讯文档;协作式辅导  【作者简介】李良(1976.10-),男,
村里的二狗子,是我读小学时六年的同班同学,他从小调皮捣蛋,偷鸡摸狗,没干过一件好事。当年村里的大人们给他起了一个外号:混世魔王。  二狗子从小就不爱读书,成绩始终名列班级倒数第一。当年有个同学为了和他争倒数第一的宝座,试卷上一个字也没有写。而二狗子则因为胡乱填了几道判断题和选择题,答对了几分,光荣地名列全班倒数第二名,还因此得到了他爸的奖励。  二狗子拿到文具奖品后很高兴,说他有个好爸爸,等他长大
蛮塔村有一个低保户,扶贫干部过了一拨又一拨,就是没有人能够把他扶起来。这个低保户叫老郭,是一个老光棍,他就是懒,什么也不想干,就靠着低保金过日子。  这天,市里来了一个扶贫干部,三十出头,穿着很嘻哈,一副吊儿郎当的样子。他进了老郭的小院,直皱眉头,里面杂乱脏,无处下脚。  老郭看到扶贫干部后面跟着一个扛摄像机的人,马上就兴奋起来。以前的扶贫干部来,带着小鸡、小鸭、小鹅、小兔,都想让他勤劳致富。结果
[摘要] 目的 探讨腹腔镜在妇科手术中的应用。方法 对86例腹腔镜手术的手术方式、手术时间、术中出血量、手术并发症及术后情况进行回顾性分析。结果 腹腔镜手术与传统的开腹手术相比,手术时间短,术中出血量少,手术并发症少,术后恢复快。结论 掌握好手术适应证,妇科大部分手术可在腹腔镜下完成。  [关键词] 腹腔镜; 妇科手术; 适应证; 并发症  [中图分类号] R713 [文献标识码] A [文章编号