根据实测地形和水文泥沙资料 ,分析了葛洲坝枢纽运用后宜昌河段的河床冲淤变化、推移质和床沙的粗化以及枯水位的变化。由数学模型计算和物理模型试验成果 ,预测了三峡工程施工期及初期运用阶段葛洲坝枢纽近坝段水位下降及对通航的影响
Based on the measured terrain and hydrological sediment data, the change of scouring and silting in the Yichang reach of the Gezhouba Dam, the roughening of the bedrock and bedrock, and the change of the low water level are analyzed. Based on the results of mathematical model calculation and physical model test, it predicts the decline of the water level near the Gezhouba Dam and its impact on the navigation during the initial stage of operation and application of the Three Gorges Project