[案例] 1986年10月,高莉莉就任上海金沙江大酒店公关部经理时,酒店还默默无闻。1987年秋,高小姐从她的记者朋友处得知,著名的日本影星中野良子将携她的新婚丈夫来北京、上海访问。她马上意识到这是酒店开展公关活动借以提高知名度的好机会。于是,她立刻采取了一系列措施:争取到了接待客人的机会。然后又直接给尚在北京的中野良子打电话请她来上海时下榻“金沙江”。对方应允后,高小姐立刻带领工作人员进行策划和准备。客人晚上到酒店,等待他们的是
[Case] In October 1986, when Gary Lily was the public relations manager of Shanghai Jinsha River Hotel, the hotel was still unknown. In the autumn of 1987, Miss Gao learned from her reporter friends that the famous Japanese movie star Nakano Ryoko will bring her newlywed husband to Beijing and Shanghai for a visit. She immediately realized that this was a good opportunity for the hotel to take a PR campaign to raise awareness. So she immediately took a series of measures: to win the opportunity to receive guests. And then directly to Beijing Nakano Ryoko called her to stay in Shanghai “Jinsha River ”. After the other promised, Miss Gao immediately led staff to planning and preparation. Guests to the hotel at night, waiting for them is