
来源 :中国西部油气地质 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yeka
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本文综合前人的研究成果,综合探讨了异常高压与油气藏的关系。异常高压对烃源岩的生烃具有抑止作用;异常高压能够改善运移通道,同时也是运移的动力因素之一。异常高压对油气的聚集和保存具有双面作用,即可改善储层,形成流体封闭箱,保存油气,又可阻止油气进入储层。异常高压的分布层位和形成时间与烃源岩的配置和油气运移时间的关系,对油气的分布也具有一定的影响。 Based on the previous research results, this paper discusses the relationship between abnormal high pressure and reservoir. Abnormal high pressure can restrain hydrocarbon generation in source rocks. Abnormal high pressure can improve the migration channel and is also one of the motive factors for migration. Abnormally high pressure on the accumulation and preservation of oil and have a double-sided role, you can improve the reservoir, the formation of fluid closed box, save oil and gas, but also prevent oil and gas into the reservoir. The distribution of anomalous high pressure horizon and formation time and the relationship between source rock configuration and hydrocarbon migration time have some influence on the distribution of oil and gas.
生物化学是当今发展最快的前沿学科之一,也是一门重要的专业基础课,其理论及相关技术涉及基础医学和临床医学的各个领域,重要性被越来越多的人们所认识。传统生化教学一直存在着“两多两难”的现实性问题,即教学内容多,抽象概念和机理多;理论知识理解和记忆难,理论与实践融会贯通难。如何解决这些问题,如何提高学生的学习兴趣,充分调动学生的积极性和主动性是提高教学质量的关键。   一、在生物化学教学中应用激励性评