江西省人民委員會第三次會議擴大會批准省人民委員會農林水辦公室所作的“江西省一九五四年農業生產基本總結和一九五五年的主要任務”的報告,特予公佈。希各級人民委員會和有關部門切實研究貫徹執行,並號召全省農民爲完成我省一九五五年的農業生產計劃任務而奮鬥。(不另行文) 一九五五年三月八日
The enlarged report of the third meeting of the People’s Committee of Jiangxi Province approved the report made by the Agriculture and Forestry Office of Provincial People’s Commission on “Basic Summary of Agricultural Production in 1954 in Jiangxi Province and Major Tasks in 1955”. At all levels, the people’s committees and relevant departments at various levels have conscientiously studied and implemented the plan and urged all the peasants in the province to strive for the completion of the province’s plan of agricultural production in 1955. (No separate text) March 8, 1955