据近期出国参加盆景展览和销售的专家带回的信息,当前国外盆景市场的需求正呈以下几个特点: 一、小型、微型盆景走俏欧美。目前受欢迎的主要是培植周期短、体积小、成本低的小型盆景,如九里香、六月雪、福建茶、雀梅、榆树、棕竹等。这些盆景做得小巧玲珑,千姿百态,别具风味,售价不高,最受欢迎。每年仅出口德国、法国、荷兰、西班牙、美国、加拿大就为国家挣回上百万美元的外汇。二、“光石盆景”不受欢迎。没有植物的山石盆景很难打开销路。能打开市场的山水盆景多为有山有树、有亭有屋、一派郁郁葱葱景象的富于东方情调的盆景。这方面商业上做得最成功的一次当属靖江盆景在香港的一次展出。他们带到香港的3500盆盆景最
According to recent bonsai exhibitions and sales experts to bring back the information, the current foreign bonsai market demand is presented the following characteristics: First, small, mini bonsai popular Europe and the United States. Currently popular is to cultivate a small cycle, small size, low cost of small bonsai, such as Ji Li Xiang, June snow, Fujian tea, bird plum, elm, brown bamboo and so on. These bonsai done small, mix, unique flavor, the price is not high, the most popular. Exports to Germany, France, the Netherlands, Spain, the United States and Canada each year earn millions in foreign exchange for the country. Second, “light bonsai” unpopular. Bonsai plants without rocks is difficult to open sales. Mountain bonsai that can open the market is mostly rich in oriental bonsai with mountains and trees, pavilions and lush landscapes. The most successful business in this area once belonged to Jingjiang Bonsai once exhibited in Hong Kong. They brought 3,500 basin bonsai to Hong Kong