目的 掌握高校已婚知识女性生殖与避孕的行为规律 ,以制定促进其生殖健康的干预计划。方法 采用以社区为基础的描述流行病学方法 ,分层随机抽取昆明四所高校中 80 4名女教师作婚育及避孕行为的定势问卷调查。结果 ≤ 30岁的青年组平均结婚和初产年龄为 2 6 .5岁及 2 7.8岁 ,较 5 0~ 6 1岁年龄组推迟 3.6岁和 4.2岁 ,但月经初潮年龄 (MA)≥ 16岁的人数则减少了 2 0 %。孕产频度具有随年龄增大而上升的现象 ,既往孕产一、二次者分别占抽样人群的 95 %、72 %和 90 %、30 % ;知识女性首选的避孕措施依序为 :安全套 38%、IUD31%、口服药 6 %。其中青年以使用安全套为主 ,中年则以用IUD为主。知识妇女避孕率达 83% ,但非意愿妊娠致人工流产仍为 71% ,其中人流 1、2次的构成比占其 44 %和 5 2 % ,两次及两次以上人流者以 40~ 49岁组为突出 (占该人群的 6 6 % )。结论 高校女教师MA随时代提前 ,而婚育年龄则延后。非意愿妊娠是危害其生殖健康的重要原因
Objective To understand the laws of female reproductive and contraception of married women in university to formulate an intervention plan to promote their reproductive health. Methods A community-based descriptive epidemiological method was used to randomly select 804 female teachers from four colleges and universities in Kunming as a questionnaire survey of marriage and childbirth and contraception. Results The mean age of marriage and first trimester in the 30-year-old youth group was 26.5 years old and 7.8 years old, 3.6 years and 4.2 years later than the 50-6 years old group, but the age of menarche (MA) was 16 years Decreased by 20%. The frequency of maternal age increased with age, the former second and second pregnancy accounted for 95%, 72% and 90%, respectively, 30% of the sample population; knowledge of women preferred contraceptive measures in order: the condom 38%, IUD 31%, oral 6%. Among them, young people mainly use condoms while middle-aged people use IUDs. Knowledge of women’s contraceptives rate of 83%, but unintended pregnancy induced abortion is still 71%, of which 1, 2 times the composition of the population accounted for 44% and 52%, two or more abortion to 40 to 49 The age group was prominent (6 6% of the population). Conclusions The female teachers MA advance with the times in colleges and universities, while the age of marriage and childbearing delays. Unwanted pregnancies are an important cause of their reproductive health