医院管理并不是一个新名词,但在过去的几十年中,院长的管理思路和管理成效的差异对医院的发展并未起到举足轻重的作用。在计划经济体制下,医院完全按照上级卫生部门指定的指标、经费进行操作。政府既是医院最主要的资金来源,也是医院的最终管理者,院长的职能更多地局限在领导医院按照上级既定的方向运行。在当时的经济环境下,由于医疗资源的匮乏,病人求医看病难掩盖了医疗服务中存在的其它问题。 1 新型医院管理的背景及压力 随着21世纪的到来及我国经济的发展,医院的生存环境受到了来自外部经济环境和医疗体制自身发展两方面的冲击。
Hospital management is not a new term, but in the past few decades, the difference between the manager’s management ideas and management effectiveness has not played a significant role in the development of the hospital. Under the planned economic system, the hospital operates in full accordance with the indicators and funds designated by the superior health department. The government is not only the main source of funding for the hospital, but also the ultimate manager of the hospital. The function of the dean is more limited to the leadership hospital in accordance with the direction set by the superior. Under the prevailing economic circumstances, due to the scarcity of medical resources, it was difficult for patients to seek medical treatment to cover other problems in medical services. 1 Background and Pressure of New Hospital Management With the advent of the 21st century and the development of our country’s economy, the living environment of the hospital has been impacted by both the external economic environment and the development of the medical system itself.