中国农业环境保护协会于一九八五年九月二十一日至二十五日在天津举行了第二次代表大会暨学术交流会。参加会议的有第一届理事、各地区、单位代表及有关领导、专家、新闻单位代表共119人。 会议开始由崔璇副理事长主持并致开幕词。买永彬副理事长代表第一届理事会做工作报告。农牧渔业部副部长相重扬同志在会上作重要讲话(见本期第1页)。农牧渔业部顾问、
China Association of Agricultural Environmental Protection held the second congress and academic exchange meeting in Tianjin from September 21 to August 25, A total of 119 people attended the conference, including representatives of the first director, representatives from all regions and units, relevant leaders, experts and news agencies. The meeting was chaired by Cui Xuan, vice chairman and made an opening speech. Buy Yong Bin, vice president of the first council on behalf of the work report. Vice Minister Xiang Chongyang of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries made an important speech at the meeting (see page 1 of this issue). Agriculture and animal husbandry and fisheries consultant,