三、饲料投喂 1.饲料选择:应以鱼用膨化饲料为主,动物蛋白含量要求在30%左右。投喂膨化料有利于减少自身污染,改善环境和防治病害。 2.投喂技术:应根据天气、水温高低和摄食状况而定,通常夏、秋季水温高,日投饵量为鱼体重3%~5%,采取边投饵、边观察鱼的摄食
Third, feed feeding 1. Feed selection: fish should be extruded feed, animal protein content requirements of about 30%. Feeding puffed material will help reduce their own pollution, improve the environment and prevent diseases. 2. Feeding technology: It should be based on the weather, water temperature level and food intake may be, usually in summer and autumn, the water temperature is high, the daily feeding amount of fish body weight 3% to 5%, take the side feeding, while watching the fish feeding