作者结合资料介绍了蜂毒疗法的适应范围: 一、结缔组织疾病提及蜂毒可用于治疗风湿病、类风湿性关节炎、红斑性狼疮和硬皮病。作者观察用蜂毒治愈的风湿病有达15年尚未复发者。国外资料认为对于类风湿性关节炎,蜂毒的有效率(86.2%)高于水杨酸钠(47%),且疗效持久,但见效较慢,如并用激素,疗效最好(98%)。二、变应性疾病包括枯草热、荨麻疹、血管神经性水肿、支气管哮喘、血管舒缩性鼻炎、痉挛性结肠炎、过敏性紫癜等。蜂毒对慢性再发性荨麻疹、血管神经性水肿的效果最好(62/69有效)。据报导蜂毒治疗支气管哮喘一个疗程(6—8周)的近
The author introduces the adaptation range of bee venom therapy with information: First, the connective tissue disease mentioned that bee venom can be used to treat rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus and scleroderma. The authors observed rheumatism cured with bee venom for up to 15 years without recurrence. Foreign data suggest that for rheumatoid arthritis, the effective rate of bee venom (86.2%) is higher than that of sodium salicylate (47%), and the curative effect lasts longer but the effect is slower. For example, with hormones, the effect is the best (98% . Second, allergic diseases including hay fever, urticaria, angioneurotic edema, bronchial asthma, vasomotor rhinitis, spastic colitis, Henoch-Schonlein purpura and so on. Bee venom on chronic recurrent urticaria, angioedema best (62/69 effective). It is reported that the treatment of bee venom bronchial asthma for a course of treatment (6-8 weeks) near