1 病例介绍患者,男,61岁,因咳血痰,发热1年,气喘10个月入院。入院时体检:一般情况好,神志清楚,浅表淋巴结未触及;右肺呼吸动度减弱,语颤减弱,叩诊音稍浊,呼吸音低;心脏无异常;腹软,肝脾未触及,腹水征阴性。入院后经胸部正侧位及体层摄片诊断为:右肺中心型肺癌。痰细胞学检查诊
1 Case presentation The patient, male, 61 years old, suffered from hemoptysis, fever for 1 year, and had asthma for 10 months. Physical examination on admission: general condition is good, conscious, superficial lymph nodes are not touched; right lung breathing activity is weakened, speech trembling weakened, deafness is slightly turbid, breath sounds are low; heart is not abnormal; abdomen is soft, liver and spleen is not touched, ascites Negative sign. After admission, transthoracic and lateral radiographs were diagnosed as right lung-centered lung cancer. Sputum cytology examination