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“述而不作”的学风曾经有力地推动了科学研究精神的焕发,但是这种方式有很多局限性。近百余年来,国内社科领域的大多数学者都是做注释工作,沿袭着资料堆砌和解释主义的学风,真正独立自主的科学研究精神极少。 The style of “writing without doing” has strongly promoted the spirit of scientific research, but this method has many limitations. For nearly a hundred years, most scholars in the field of social sciences are doing annotation work, follow the style of data accumulation and interpretativism, and the spirit of independent and independent scientific research is extremely rare.
我到一家大型的养鸡场参观,发现该养鸡场的鸡都少了一个脚趾,就问场主是怎么回事。场主说:“这是我养鸡多年摸索出来的一个秘密。在鸡还是鸡雏时,剪去它们的一个脚趾,强加给它们一些痛苦,让它们多少流点儿血,受些伤害,它们的成活率就会明显地提高,而且长得又快又好……”  如此看来,生命中的伤害和挫折不一定是坏事儿啊。  责编/冉振平