
来源 :中国战略新兴产业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yelangqishi
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随着经济的发展,社会的进步,我国对外贸易得到了极大地发展。跨境电子商务的迅速发展直接影响到我国的对外贸易,长期的贸易顺差给我国国民经济的发展注入新动力的同时也带来了不利影响,传统观念“顺差是好事,逆差是坏事”仿佛已不再顺应新时代的发展,确立以国际收支平衡为目标的政策及实践已成为首要任务。本文主要分析探讨了我国对外贸易现状及贸易顺逆差对国民经济发展的利与弊,并为实现国际收支平衡出谋划策。 With the economic development and social progress, our country’s foreign trade has been greatly developed. The rapid development of cross-border e-commerce has a direct impact on China’s foreign trade. The long-term trade surplus has brought adverse effects on the development of our national economy. The traditional concept of “surplus is a good thing and the deficit is a bad thing” As if no longer conform to the development of the new era, the establishment of the policy and practice of balancing the international balance of payments has become the primary task. This article analyzes and analyzes the current situation of China’s foreign trade and trade deficits on the development of the national economy, the pros and cons, and to make plans for the international balance of payments.