
来源 :四川戏剧 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fsongyifa
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在品特的戏剧《房间》中,出现了失明、失聪、失语三类感官疾病。文学的世界是隐喻的世界,因而品特戏剧中出现的感官疾病绝非仅仅指向疾病本身,从疾病的附着对象、传染性等种种迹象上来看,《房间》中的疾病意象隐喻着西方少数族裔的苦难生活。 In Pinter’s drama Room, there were three types of sensory disorders: blindness, deafness, and aphasia. Literary world is a metaphorical world, so the sensory diseases appearing in Pinot novels are not merely pointing to the disease itself. From the signs of disease attachment and contagion, the disease images in “room” metaphor the western minorities Despair of life.