1.重峰与本身的干扰问题 文献[1]中提到实验测定了四十种元素和根据文献数据计算了十二种元素由(n,γ)反应各自产生的放射性核素(包括其子体)所发射的诸γ在一定测量条件下的光峰的相对计数率。对~(235)U和~(232)Th的裂片也作了相应的处理。 按γ能量由低到高的次序排列成表。表中列出:(1)γ能量;(2)放射性核素,它发射γ能量;(3)稳定同位素及其丰度,它产生放射性核素;(4)核反应和截面并包括裂变截面与产额;(5)自身、母体与子体的半衰期;(6)文献
1. The problem of heavy interference with itself In literature [1], it is mentioned experimentally determined forty elements and calculated the radionuclides (including their sub-elements) generated by (n, γ) reactions of twelve elements according to the literature data Body) emitted by the γ in a certain measurement conditions relative peak count rate. The splits of ~ (235) U and ~ (232) Th were also treated accordingly. By γ energy from low to high order arranged into a table. The table lists: (1) γ energy; (2) radionuclides that emit γ energy; (3) stable isotopes and their abundances that produce radionuclides; (4) nuclear reactions and cross-sections that include fission cross sections and Yield; (5) own, maternal and daughter half-life; (6) literature