在标枪项目的基础训练阶段(13-15岁),应用橡皮筋做辅助器械进行练习,具有其它辅助器械不可代替的优越性和实效性。在这个阶段利用橡皮筋练习,不仅能够提高练习者的柔韧性、肌肉力量,而且能够防止受伤,掌握正确的用力顺序和形成正确的动力定型。以下是我在教学和训练中运用的练习手段。 1.肩关节练习(柔韧) 方法:练习者两手持橡皮筋稍宽于肩,两脚左右开立同肩宽。两臂由前径侧、后,侧、前从左至右,然后再向相反的方向连续绕环。随着柔韧性的提高,
In the basic training phase of the javelin project (13-15 years old), the application of rubber band to do auxiliary equipment, with other auxiliary equipment irreplaceable superiority and effectiveness. Practicing rubber bands at this stage not only increases the practitioner’s flexibility and muscular strength, but also prevents injuries, grasps the correct sequence of forces, and creates the correct dynamic shape. The following is my practice in teaching and training practices. 1. Shoulder exercises (pliable) method: Practitioner two hand-held rubber band slightly wider than the shoulder, feet open around the same shoulder width. Arms from the front diameter side, rear, side, front left to right, and then in the opposite direction continuous loop. With the increase of flexibility,