癫痫是世界卫生组织重点关注的五大神经精神疾病之一,新的治疗方法不断涌现,如神经调控、射频毁损去除病灶以及针对基因突变的精准治疗等。但抗癫痫药物治疗仍然是绝大多数癫痫患者的首选方案。自1857年应用溴化钾揭开了现代抗癫痫药物发展的序幕以来,迄今已有20余种抗癫痫药物应用于临床。文中就抗癫痫药物在国内外的应用现状及未来发展趋势做一述评。“,”Epilepsy is one of the five major neuropsychiatric diseases on which the World Health Organization focuses. New treatment methods are emerging, such as neuromodulation and radiofrequency ablation to remove lesions and precise treatment for gene mutation. However, antiepileptic drug therapy is still the first choice mostly. Since potassium bromide was applicated in epilepsy in 1857, which opened the prelude to the development of modern antiepileptic drugs, more than 20 kinds of antiepileptic drugs have been used in clinical practice. This article reviews the present status and future development of antiepileptic drugs at home and abroad.