Since China began its economic reform in the 1970s, economic growth has attracted attention and its economic structure has undergone major changes. From 1978 to 1996, the average annual real growth of GDP was more than 9% in real terms, with per capita income nearly tripling and lifting millions out of poverty. During the same period, many original distortions and rigidities in the central planning system were canceled and market forces played an increasingly important role in economic decision-making. What followed was a gradual reduction in the role of the state in the economy and the emergence of a vibrant non-state sector, which now accounts for almost two-thirds of the gross domestic product. In addition, as part of the normal economic development process, the number of employed people in the agricultural sector dropped sharply while a thriving manufacturing sector emerged. Equally important is the gradual opening up and the integration of the Chinese economy with the world, which is reflected in the right direction