提起亚洲富国,人们自然会想到日本和韩国,其实最富的是文莱, 人均国民收入达2万美元,其富有程度在世界上仅次于欧洲的瑞士。因为富有,在这里开公司做生意不必交税;人们可终身享受免费医疗; 就连孩子出国留学都由政府买单! 在首都斯里巴加湾市,一位来自中国的年轻人却家喻户晓,从王宫官员、石油富豪到普通百姓,都对他的神奇中医赞不绝口。
Mentioning the rich countries of Asia, people naturally think of Japan and South Korea. In fact, Brunei, the country with the richest per capita income, has a population of 20,000 U.S. dollars. Its wealth is only second to that of Europe in the world. Because rich, here to start a business do not have to pay tax; people can enjoy free medical care for life; Even the children go abroad to study by the government pay! In the capital city of Bandar Seri Begawa, a young man from China but well-known, from Royal officials, oil rich to ordinary people, are full of praise for his magical Chinese medicine.