患者女性 ,2 5岁。妊娠 3 3周 ,胎动消失 1天。即行B超检查显示胎儿死于宫内 ,且发现胎儿心脏肿瘤 ,行引产术。病理检查 巨检 :于已切开的左心室见 3个突向心室内的结节状肿物 ,大小分别为 3 .5cm× 3cm× 3cm ,1cm× 0 .8cm× 0 .5cm和 0 .8cm× 0 .5cm× 0
Female patient, 25 years old. Pregnancy 3 3 weeks, fetal movement disappeared 1 day. The line of B-ultrasound showed that the fetus died in the uterus, and found that the fetal heart tumor, line induction surgery. Macroscopic examination of pathological examination: in the opened left ventricle, three nodular masses projecting into the ventricle were found, with dimensions of 3.5 cm × 3 cm × 3 cm, 1 cm × 0.8 cm × 0.5 cm and 0.8 cm. × 0 .5cm × 0