利用长江流域早熟籼稻品种广陆矮四号通过秋水仙碱处理诱导同源四倍体,进而通过杂交获得三倍体。研究了由三倍体产生的各种非整倍体类型。培育出了一套籼稻品种广陆矮四号的初级三体。 除了三体_(11)和二倍体相似,其它11个初级三体都有明显不同的形态学特点,可依照这些特点互相区别。
Autotetraploid was induced by colchicine treatment in the early maturing indica rice variety Guanglu, in the Yangtze River valley, and triploidy was obtained by crossing. Various aneuploidy types produced by triploids were studied. Bred a set of indica variety Guanglu Dwarf No. three primary trisomy. Except for Trisomy III (11) and diploid, the other 11 primary trispecies have distinct morphological features that can be distinguished from each other according to these characteristics.