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8月6日,“2005第二届中国最具生命力百强企业”颁奖典礼在北京隆重举行。白沙集团继去年上榜之后再次入选,排名第七。同时白沙集团人选首届“十大中国最具生命力企业示范基地”,集团总裁卢平获“十大中国最具生命力企业杰出管理英才”称号。“越是有生命力的企业,经营业绩越出色”,评委会如此评价人选的百强企业,同时白沙所表现出来的顽强生命力、受尊敬程度,以及企业创新机制、经营理念和文化体系等,赢得了评委们的认可和好评。去年以来,“中国最具生命力百强企业”评选获得了企业界、新闻界和社会大众的关注与认可。今年,评委会联合国务院企业发展研究中心、中国资产评估认证中心等单位,在国资委、发改委等部门支持下,从2005年3月开始,启动了“十大中国最具生命力企业示范基地”及“十大中国最具生命力企业杰出管理英才”评选工作,在全国范围内挑选极具生命力的企业,为之提供一个全方位的服务平台、为全国企业提供示范基地。同时入选“最具生命力百强企业”的还有平安保险、招商银行、海尔、万科等知名企业。 August 6, “2005 Second China’s most vitality hundred enterprises” awards ceremony was held in Beijing. Baisha Group re-selected after last year’s list, ranked seventh. At the same time Baisha Group was selected as the “Top Ten Most Vital Enterprise Demonstration Base in China” and President Lu Ping won the title of “Outstanding Management Talents of the Top 10 Most Vital Enterprises in China”. “The more viable the business, the better the business performance.” The jury commented on the top 100 enterprises selected. At the same time, Baisha demonstrated its tenacity, respect, and innovation mechanism, business philosophy and cultural system, etc. The judges recognized and praised. Since last year, “China’s Most Vital 100 Enterprises” win the attention of enterprises, the media and the general public. This year, with the support of the SASAC, the NDRC and other departments, the Jury, the Enterprise Development Research Center of the United State Council and the China Assets Appraisal and Certification Center, launched the “Top Ten Most Vital Enterprise Demonstration Bases in China” and the “ ”Top Ten Outstanding Management Talents of China’s Most Viable Enterprise,“ the selection of the nation in the selection of vitality of enterprises, to provide a full range of services platform for the country to provide demonstration bases. Also included in the ”most viable top 100 enterprises," there Ping An Insurance, China Merchants Bank, Haier, Vanke and other famous enterprises.
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