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中国革命是依葫芦画瓢记者:您大致介绍一下自己手头的这些书稿。丁帆:这几年我一直在关注两个领域,其中一个是文学史领域。我在2009年的中国现代文学研究会的年会上做了一个主题发言,意在正式在中国现代文学史领域里提出“民国文学史”应该入史的概念,尽管早就有人提过这个问题,但是没有被重视,所以,我们应该趁着辛亥革命100周年的纪念推进这个文学史的学术问题深入下去。因为 The Chinese revolution is based on the gourd. Reporters: You give a general introduction of these manuscripts on your own. Ding Fan: In recent years I have been concerned about two areas, one of which is the field of literary history. I made a keynote speech at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Chinese Modern Literature Research Society and intended to formally introduce the concept of “history of the Republican literature” into history in the field of the history of modern Chinese literature, though it has long been mentioned However, this issue has not been taken seriously. Therefore, we should take advantage of the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Revolution of 1911 to advance the academic issue of this literary history. because