现代联合化疗方案使儿童急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)的治愈率已接近80%,但仍有部分患者最终复发。近10年研究表明,微小残留病(minimalresidual disease,MRD)的存在是复发的主要根源。MRD是指白血病患者经治疗达到完全缓解后体内残存少量白血病细胞的状态。常规形态学方法由于敏感?
Modern chemotherapy regimens have resulted in a nearly 80% cure rate for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), but some patients eventually relapse. Nearly 10 years of research shows that the existence of minimal residual disease (MRD) is the main source of recurrence. MRD refers to the leukemia patients after treatment to achieve complete remission in the body remaining a small number of leukemia cells. Conventional morphological methods due to sensitive?