目的:探讨成批伤病的急救转运特点及救治措施,为今后制定医院整体搬迁应急预案和成批转运方案提供科学依据。方法北京急救中心于2014年5月16日~17日协助北京怀柔区医院整体搬迁,对转运的55例患者的救治特点进行回顾性分析。结果本次整体搬迁中患者以神经内科和外科ICU患者居多,分别占40.0%、38.2%。危重患者也集中在神经内科和外科ICU,分别占38.5%、38.5%。55例患者得到及时有序安全的转运。结论成批伤患者整体搬迁需要急救转运,多以危重的呼吸机应用患者及行动不便的神经内科和外科ICU患者为主,应在整体搬迁转运前加强应对呼吸机使用和创伤搬运技术培训的准备工作。“,”Objective To discuss the characteristics and treatment measures of emergency treatment for transporting patients in group and provide reference for moving patients in group in the future. Methods A retrospective analysis was performed on a total of 55 patients whom were transported from Beijing Huairou Hospital in May 16 and 17, 2014. Results Majority of the patients in the moving came from neurological department of internal medicine and ICU surgery for 40.0%and 38.2%, respectively. Critically ill patients also came from neurological department of internal medicine and ICU surgery, accounted for 38.5%, 38.5%. Allthe 55 patients were moved in a timely and orderly manner. Conclusion Due to majority of the patients with respiratory problem and mobility impairment in moving, it requires to a well preparation on respiratory and trauma handling technic training for the medical personnel.