多菱视点 近年在国内出版市场上颇为热 销的西方身心调适一类读物,其实 是一种“出口转内销现象”。糅合了 东方禅宗和瑜珈的修持传统为要素 的西方现代心理治疗派别,一旦以 舶来品的面目登陆中国,就很容易 被误认为是西方医学“科学”的现代 化产物了。其他如“心灵鸡汤”或“心 灵革命”一类著述,以及形形色色的 “简朴生活运动”读物,其实不妨看 作是改头换面了的道家与佛家思想、 禅宗公案的西洋化重新表述而已。 因为只要你在西方的书店里琳琅满 目的BODY AND MIND一类书丛中浏览 过,你就会知道这一类读物和东方 思想传统的密切联系了。 --叶舒宪 《20世纪西方思想的“东方转向”问题》
Duling view in recent years in the domestic publishing market is quite hot Western body and mind to adapt a class of reading, in fact, is a “phenomenon of export to domestic sales.” Western modern psychotherapeutic faction, which incorporates oriental and yoga practitioners’ traditions, can easily be mistaken for modernization of Western medicine and science once they have landed in China with exotic products. Other books such as “Chicken Soup in the Spirit” or “Spiritual Revolution” and various books on “Simple Living Activities” may in fact be regarded as a revamped Taoist and Buddhist thought, Westernization of the Zen case Restate it. For as long as you browse in an assortment of books such as the BODY AND MIND in Western bookstores, you will know the close connection between this type of reading and the Eastern intellectual tradition. - Ye Shuxian “Oriental Thought” in the 20th Century Western Thought “Problems”