于 2 0 0 0年 10月至 2 0 0 1年 5月做蒜头果 (Malana oleif era Chun et S.L ee)种子沙藏试验 ,沙藏 2个月后随机抽样 10 0粒种子解剖检查 ,发现种子感病率 6 4% ,其中全部腐烂变质率高达 5 0 % ,局部感病率 14% ;沙藏 5个月发病率达 72 %。从蒜头果种病腐组织分离、纯化得到 4个属的 6个菌株病原真菌 ,镜检到一种线虫。分别用这 6个菌株的菌丝与分生孢子的混合液体进行人工接种试验 ,结果表明 ,茄类镰刀菌 (Fusarium solani)和黄萎轮枝菌(Verticillum albo- atrum Reinke et Berthold.)表现出较强的致病力 ,认为它们是蒜头果种腐病的致病菌 ,并对它们的形态特征及引致的症状特点作了描述。线虫的危害状尚未明确。
A sand-storage test of seeds of Malana olera era Chun et SLee was conducted from October 2000 to May 2001. After 2 months of storage in the sand bank, 100 seeds were dissected randomly and the seeds The infection rate was 64%, of which the rate of total decay and deterioration was as high as 50% and the rate of local infection was 14%. The incidence rate of sediment in 5 months was 72%. Six strains of pathogenic fungi of four genera were isolated and purified from the diseased tissue of garlic fruit, and a nematode was detected microscopically. Artificial inoculation experiments were conducted with the mixed liquid of mycelia and conidia of these 6 strains, respectively. The results showed that Fusarium solani and Verticillum albo-atrum Reinke et Berthold. Strong virulence, that they are the causal agent of garlic fruit rot, and describe their morphological characteristics and symptoms caused. The harm of nematodes is not yet clear.