背诵、默写题是中考必考内容,并呈上升趋势。从近几年考生答卷情况看,背诵默写题得分率不高。究其原因一是考生对应背的课文和段落没有熟练地背诵和默写下来,二是对背诵、默写的题型了解不够。除此之外,还需要掌握一些答题技巧。常见的背诵、默写题有如下类型。(这里不谈选择式、判断式、配伍式题型) 一默写。这是最基本的类型,试题有要求填词的,有要求填句的。
Recitations and dictation questions are subjects for examinations and are on the rise. From the situation of candidates in recent years, the score of reciting dictation questions is not high. One of the reasons is that the candidates’ texts and paragraphs are not memorized and memorized. Second, there is not enough understanding of the types of reciting and dictating questions. In addition, some answering techniques need to be mastered. Common recitation and dictation questions are of the following types. (I will not talk about selection, judgment, compatibility type). This is the most basic type. Questions are required to be phrased and there is a requirement to fill in sentences.