1991年我们在呼和浩特市土默特左旗的铁门更与只几梁村,发现地方性慢性砷中毒患者58例。经流行病学初步调查,认为发病与居民饮用天然高砷井水有关。为探讨二者的确切关系,我们进行了病例对照研究。1 对象与方法1.1 对象选择确诊为慢性砷中毒患者58例为病例组;以病村内的非慢性砷中毒患者为对照。病例与对照作1:1配比;配比条件为两组成员的性别、年龄、职业、居住年限、文化水平、生活与劳动条件均相当。
In 1991, we found that there were 58 cases of endemic chronic arsenic poisoning in the iron gate of Tumotezuoqi in Hohhot and only in Liangcun Village. Preliminary investigation by epidemiology, that the incidence and residents drinking natural high-arsenic well water. To explore the exact relationship between the two, we conducted a case-control study. 1 Subjects and methods 1.1 The object selected 58 cases of chronic arsenic poisoning were selected as case group; patients with chronic arsenic in the village as a control. Cases and controls as 1: 1 ratio; matching conditions for the two groups of gender, age, occupation, living years, cultural level, living and working conditions are quite.