
来源 :中国临床解剖学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:unix365
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在解剖一具成年男尸时,见胆囊动脉起自肝固有动脉,且胆囊动脉发出左右两变异支1,2,其变异支2又发出两变异支3,4,变异支1,3,4均注入肝门。肝右动脉(外径2.41 mm)自腹腔干向右前行2.64 cm发出,于胆囊管后方入肝右叶,此外,肝固有动脉位于肝总管前方。为积累国人解剖数值和临床作参考,现报道如下。肝固有动脉自肝总动脉发出后,上行2.41 cm处发出长2.94 cm的胆囊动脉(外径1.26 mm),胆囊动脉 In the dissection of an adult male corpse, see the gallbladder artery from the hepatic artery, and the gallbladder artery issued about two variants 1, 2, the variant branch 2 also sent two variants branch 3,4, variant branch 1,3,4 Into the hilar. Right hepatic artery (2.41 mm in outside diameter) from the celiac trunk to the right anterior 2.64 cm issued in the cystic duct behind the right lobe, in addition, the hepatic artery in front of the hepatic duct. For the accumulation of national anatomical values ​​and clinical reference, are reported below. After the hepatic artery originated from the common hepatic artery, a 2.94 cm long cystic artery (1.26 mm in outside diameter) was emitted at 2.41 cm upstream and the cystic artery
The existing~(210)Pb_(ex)mass balance models for the assessment of cultivated soil erosion are based on an assumption that~(210)Pb_(ex)is quite evenly mixed wit
With the development of porcelain production, all kinds of shapes appeared. Advocated by Zhao Jie, Emperor Hui Zong of the Song Dynasty, the naming of porcelain
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本刊讯春节刚过,农业部就发出一项紧急通知,要求各地加强小麦条锈病等灾害的防控和农药等物资的购置储备工作。受历史罕见旱灾的异常气候影响,今年农业病虫灾害有可 Our new