也许,年过七旬的老武汉还依稀地记得,当年中国空军与日机在武汉上空激战的场面。自1938年1月起,日本侵略者就将武汉作为空袭重点,派遣大批飞机轮番轰炸。为保卫武汉空防,中国空军在前苏联的支援下与日本空军在武汉及其附近空域进行了多次激烈交战。其中规模最大的有4次,即“二一八”、“四二九”、“五三一”、“八三”4次战斗。这4次战斗共击落日机61架,击毙、俘擒日军飞行员达数十人。中国空军与前苏联空军志愿军一起用血肉之躯谱写了中国空军史上辉煌的一 页。 战争的硝烟已散尽,但日本军国主义的行径并未绝迹,本文作者吴鼎臣以亲身经历记述了“二一八”、“四二九”两次空战的实况,作者用血与火的事实告诫我们:历史不能忘记。 吴鼎臣,1915年出生于苏北涟水马行集滩庄。1933年从“中央航空学校”毕业,后参加了国民党空军,经历了抗日战争中在武汉发生的两次与日机的空战。解放后,曾受到一段不平等的待遇,后平反,现为市民革成员。
Perhaps, the old Wuhan over seventy years still vaguely remember when the Chinese Air Force and Japanese planes fierce fighting over the scene in Wuhan. Since January 1938, the Japanese invaders have focused on Wuhan as the air strikes and sent a large number of aircraft to take turns bombing. To defend air defense in Wuhan, the Chinese Air Force conducted many fierce battles with the Japanese Air Force in Wuhan and its vicinity airspace with the support of the former Soviet Union. The largest one is 4 times, that is, “218”, “April 29”, “May 31” and “August 3” four battles. The four combat altogether shot down 61 Japanese planes, killing and capturing Japanese pilots up to dozens of people. The Chinese Air Force together with former Soviet Air Forces volunteers wrote a glorious page in the history of the Chinese Air Force with flesh and blood. The smoke of the war has been cleared, but the act of Japanese militarism has not disappeared. The author of this article, Wu Dingchen, described the livelihood of the two air war exercises of “February 18” and “April 29” by personal experience and the author warned of the facts by blood and fire Us: History can not be forgotten. Wuding Chen, born in 1915 in the Northern Jiangsu Lianshui Ma Banjiu Zhuang. After graduating from “Central Aviation School” in 1933, he joined the Kuomintang Air Force and experienced two air strikes against Japan in the war of resistance against Japan. After the liberation, he was subjected to an unequal treatment and was later rehabilitated. He is now a member of the Citizens’ Revolution.