Statistical theory for hydrogen bonding fluid system of AaDd type (I): The geometrical phase transit

来源 :中国科学B辑(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:julienchen
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The influence of hydrogen bonds on the physical and chemical properties of hydrogen bonding fluid system of AaDd type is investigated from two viewpoints by the principle of statistical mechanics. In detail, we proposed two new ways that can be used to obtain the equilibrium size distribution of the hydrogen bonding clusters, and derived the analytical expression of a relationship between the hydrogen bonding free energy and hydrogen bonding degree. For the nonlinear hydrogen bonding systems, it is shown that the sol-gel phase transition can take place under proper conditions, which is further proven to be a kind of geometrical phase transition rather than a thermodynamic one. Moreover, several problems associated with the geometrical phase transition and liquid-solid phase transition in nonlinear hydrogen bonding systems are discussed.
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