Maiz, 45, is not a marathon runner, but she has the perfect figure. For a decade, Metz walked almost daily to the hills near the dwelling. A few years ago, she also started muscle training. “My goal is to work at the age of 80. ” Even in the end of the holiday, Metz has to go fast in the snow, because she knows that doing so will get a good return. “I’m feeling better, my sleep improves, my appetite increases, my looks are better. ” She said, “The exercise is amazing.” We all know that we should exercise but we are always too busy or too tired , And we are more and more confused: how long does it take in the end, one hour per day as recommended by the Institute of Medicine, or 30 minutes per day? What kind of exercise should we choose? Running or going? In this regard, countless researchers Numerous meticulous research has been conducted, with different answers. However, one is indisputable: exercise is stronger than non-exercise.