Our Amazing Clean Energy Future Has Arrived未来已来:前景无限的清洁能源

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  The evidence of a great green wave is now overwhelming.And it will only get better.能源绿色转型是大势所趋,前景可期。
  Its attention consumed by pandemicsand politics, the world has overlookedan undeniable silver lining: thearrival of the green future. Almost withoutexception, renewable energy is nowcheaper than that produced from fossilfuels. Prices of battery packs for electricvehicles and solar panels continueto plunge, and adoption is increasingexponentially. The 2020s will be the decadein which the planet finally closesthe chapter on destruction and pollutionby fossil fuels and enters a new realm ofclean and nearly free energy. And thischanges everything.   2 The evidence of a great green waveis now overwhelming. According toBloombergNEF, in 2020 the worldspent half a trillion dollars on renewablepower, electric vehicles, and otherclean technologies and got a lot more for this investment than it ever usedto. The average cost of lithium-ionbattery packs, critical to electric vehicles,plunged from more than $1,100per kilowatt-hour a decade ago to below$140 in 2020.
  3 As the expanding market enableseconomies of scale, prices will continueto fall, and renewable energy adoptionwill increase. This will also acceleratethe move to electric and hybridvehicles, as is already occurring inChina, Europe, and the United States.In Germany, the share of vehicles thatuse electricity (hybrids, plug-in hybrids,and fully electric vehicles) soared fromless than 3 percent in 2016 to nearly 25percent in 2020.
  4 The shift to electric vehicles will dramaticallyclean our air. Fossil fuel-burningengines—diesel engines especially—remain some of the primary emitters ofharmful chemicals. A 2020 report by theAmerican Lung Association found that acomplete switchover to electric vehiclesby 2040 would, in the next decade, contributeto “$72 billion in avoided healthharms, saving approximately 6,300 livesand avoiding more than 93,000 asthmaattacks and 416,000 lost work days annuallydue to significant reductions intransportation-related pollution” in theUnited States alone.
  5 Unlike petroleum, which necessarilycomes from petroleum oil, an electron is an electron and can come from anywhere.(And, yes, you can manufacturefossil fuels in a greener way, by usingalgae, for example, but electric propulsioncan eliminate the carbon emissionproblem entirely.) The declining priceof battery packs has now made electricand hybrid cars cheaper to own and operatethan traditional cars.
  6 This is logical. Not only do you paya lot less for electricity than for gas, buthybrid and electric vehicles also tend tohave lower maintenance costs. They areessentially a battery pack attached to anelectric motor, with vastly fewer movingparts and fewer complex systems.
  7 Powering these cars and their batteriesis an electricity supply that includesa rapidly growing share generated fromrenewable sources, primarily solar andwind. The cost of solar energy has declinedby a whopping 99 percent overthe past four decades. Solar panels are,essentially, semiconductors, so theircost curves are basically the same asthose that apply to computers. The endstate of the solar energy price declinewill be energy so cheap that its majorcost will be that of transmitting it overwires to our homes and businesses.   8 Once this happens, many powerintensiveindustries will be disrupted.For example, at present, the productionof glass, concrete, and steel mostlyrelies on high-temperature fossil fuel furnaces. As electricity prices fall andthose industries make the switch toelectrical furnaces, the cost of the requiredequipment and industrial plantsshould fall, and production will becomeenvironmentally far cleaner. Concreteproduction, to name one example, isresponsible for roughly 8 percent of allcarbon emitted each year, according toChatham House.
  9 Perhaps even more crucial to thegreen future is water. Many regions ofthe world lack sufficient fresh water, butcheap electricity can readily solve theproblem. The primary barrier to purificationof seawater using reverse osmosisat scale is its energy intensity. Seawateris abundant and readily available, andlow-cost electrical energy will turn it intopotable1 water. The ubiquity of solar-generatedelectricity will also enable waterpurification projects even in tiny communitiesthat are far from any power grid.
  10 Until recently, power generationfrom natural gas and other fossil fuelshad an edge in that it could supply energyeven when renewables could not:when the sun didn’t shine or the air wasstill. But batteries’ rapid price declinehas finally made the combination ofrenewable energy and battery storagecheap and efficient enough to providea cost-effective alternative to baseloadgeneration using fossil fuels.
  11 The international implications ofclean energy are likewise promising.Just as wireless communication technologyallowed the developing world toquickly catch up with and even leapfrogrich nations in telecommunications infrastructure,green energy will serve as agreat economic leveler. Green energy’sfalling cost and the inherent flexibilityof its production modes will soon allowIndia and Africa to match the West inenergy generation. The consequent regionalbenefits will not be merely economic.By helping to clean up the skiesof New Delhi, for example, green energywill make the air more breathable,reduce health burdens, and add years tothe lives of the city’s inhabitants.
  12 Larger economic and infrastructurechanges may be on the horizon. California,for example, could well fractureenergy generation and storage into numeroussmaller installations to makethe electricity system more resilient—less reliant on distant facilities and highmaintenancetransmission infrastructure—in the face of wildfires and othercatastrophes. Alternatively, we may seeextensive solar energy farms in vastdusty deserts such as the Mojave and theSahara that dwarf today’s power plants.Because storage and generation needn’tcoincide geographically, these farmscould supply to distributed networks ofbackup battery facilities or to schemesusing other storage mechanisms, suchas compressed air or water pumped uphillfor later hydroelectric generation.Though such energy backups may initiallybe limited to richer nations, theirsteeply falling costs bode well for massadoption by all, just as happened withsmartphones and online storage.
  13 In our lifetimes, fossil fuel vehicleswill become extinct, and the smokestacksof electricity plants powered bycoal or gas will cease to emit their filth.When we talk to our future grandchildren,we will be able to refer to thisdecade as the one in which the switchflipped and the planet adopted a tremendouslypromising green future.
小的时候,我在金鱼养殖场长大,那是一段我曾珍藏的记忆。养殖场位于一片天然湿地,水来自纵横交错的小溪小河,湿地四周林木环绕。清晨,鱼塘水汽升腾,方圆数里便弥漫着悠悠薄雾。然而,如此美景,背后却是繁重的工作:白昼苦长,劳作无尽。现在,身处新冠疫情危机,我却常常想起那个地方。  2 20世纪20年代末,曾祖父创办了猎溪渔业公司。相传,罗斯福总统曾在丘吉尔首相的陪同下从曾祖父手里买过金鱼,当然只是传说而已
2020年6月,24岁的解放军战士肖思远在中印边境加勒万河谷冲突中为保卫国土壮烈牺牲。媒体报道他的英勇事迹后,无数人为之动容,而人们发现他的微信头像是爱国主义动漫《那年那兔那些事儿》中的兔子后,更加感动。  2这部热门爱国主义动漫的创作者是漫画家林超。他在新浪微博写道:“看着用行动保家卫国的烈士能从《那兔》里得到精神上的慰藉,真的让我感动到不行。”该作品旗帜鲜明地爱国爱党,在网上广为流传,深受年轻
放眼全球經济,迄今为止,发展最迅速、增长最快的行业之一无疑是以清洁、可再生为特点的替代能源行业。  2目前,最清洁、最高效的能源解决方案包括以下几种:  1.太阳能  3太阳能来自太阳。太阳能电池板“捕获”太阳的能量,将其转化为可用的能源形式,为供暖和制冷系统、热水、照明、电器等提供能量。  4太阳能的优点是,太阳能电池板可买可租。如果你家的太阳能电池板并入国家电网,你甚至还能因为用电节余获得补贴
【譯者言】 机器翻译基于对翻译系统所带语料库里语料的计算,这样做有两个优点:第一,可以根据词频选择最常用的对应词,保证译文有比较高的准确率;第二,语料库范围内的词义、用法不会有遗漏。不过,目前的机器翻译软件也有两个缺点。第一个缺点是,原文里万一出现超出语料库词汇范围的表达式,机器便束手无策。例如本篇的agon,机器和译者都是第一次遇到,机器一般只能照搬原文或音译为“阿贡”或“阿攻”,这等于没有译,
在18世紀中叶的七年战争中,法军药剂师安托万一奥古斯丁·帕尔芒捷被普鲁士士兵俘虏。身为战俘,帕尔芒捷被迫以定量配给的土豆度日。在当时的法国,土豆被认为是家畜饲料,导致人类患上麻风病,因而这几乎相当于一种非比寻常的残酷惩罚。由于人们普遍对土豆感到恐惧,法国在1748年通过了禁止种植土豆的法案。  2但帕尔芒捷在狱中发现,土豆并不会致人死亡。实际上,土豆非常可口。这名药剂师在战争结束时获释,此后开始向
看北極光必须去芬兰或挪威?你要是这样想,那就错了。在美国中西部的北部地带,从明尼苏达州北部到密歇根州上半岛甚至更远,都能一睹这超凡脱俗的美景。明尼苏达州北部的雷尼湖地区是通往探险家国家公园的门户,如果天公作美的话,这里每年可以看到多达200次极光天象。  2首先解释一下:地球的磁场在两极上方和周围较弱,极区上空各有一个称为“极光卯”的环带状区域。沿着极光卯的弯曲边缘,太阳耀斑释放出的带电粒子进入地
幼儿园老师问我儿子爸爸做什么工作,他解释道:“他偷东西,不过没事儿,因为人家给他钱让他这么干。”  我儿子说得没错。  2我是一名黑客,并且管理着一支黑客团队。我们整天寻找方法强行进入可以与互联网相连的任何设备,如服务器、自动取款机、灯泡等,努力获取本不该被看到的信息。如果我们在罪犯之前获取这些信息,那么我们就尽到了自己的职责。  3正如医生或律师为他们所从事的工作感到自豪一样,我也对賴以谋生的工
对于无线技术的速度和功能,需求量已达天文数字,而供应量却明显不足。新冠疫情引发的健康危机或许已经改变了这一点。  2 5G蜂窝技术开始成形,据称,其提供的连接架构可以在全球范围内提供无缝化数字体验。这种连接架构仍存在一些细微缺陷,在2020年,面对新冠疫情,数亿人被迫远程工作和社交,令这一点暴露无遗。  3期待已久的5G体验一旦成真,势必令人眼花缭乱:智能工厂、远程医疗和增强现实都会成为常态。无论
Paris. Has any city inspired so many love songs to itself? From the Eiffel Tower, across the Seine to the Arc de Triomphe and up to the ethereal Montmartre, France’s capital city oozes elegance. Welsh