Suppurative otitis media is the purulent inflammation of the middle ear, commonly known as pus ears, infants and young children are more common.I over the years with nine one Dangerous nitrofurazone powder in the treatment of acute and chronic suppurative otitis media in 94 cases, both received good effect. General information] The treatment of 94 cases, including 41 males and 43 females; the youngest 6 months, maximum 49 years; 52 cases of acute suppurative otitis media, chronic in 32. Among them, 39 cases with systemic symptoms, tympanic membrane perforation 21 cases. [Treatment] Ninety Dan, nitrofurazone Fenfen mixture, research and spare .When treatment, first with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to the patient’s ear purulent, and then prepared above Powder, each about 0.05g, blowing into the ear, daily 1. If the systemic symptoms were obvious, can be combined with oral Longdan Xiegan or Western anti-infective treatment.