王维 ,唐代著名的山水诗人 ,也是著名的山水画家。吟咏其诗歌 ,总给人以观赏丹青水墨的享受。苏东坡说他“诗中有画 ,画有中诗” ,此言得之。有时 ,诗与画是相通的 ,尽管有它们各自的表现手法和艺术追求 ,但同为“艺术” ,无论是意趣还是手法 ,都可相互借鉴和融合。正因为王维
Wang Wei, a famous landscape poet in the Tang Dynasty, is also a famous landscape painter. His poems always give people the enjoyment of Danqing ink painting. Su Dongpo said that he “painted in poems and painted Chinese poems”. Sometimes, poetry and painting are interlinked. Although they have their own expression techniques and artistic pursuits, they are both “artistic”, and they can learn from each other and blend together. Because of Wang Wei