1997年沽源县二道区乡四号村农民高才采取“复耕复播”高产栽培技术种植小麦0.53hm~2,在遭受历史罕见的旱灾情况下,获得了350kg/667m~2的好收成,在同等条件下比其他村民增产5倍多,成为灾年夺高产的典型。其措施是: 1 复耕 1.1 秋深耕。头一年秋季机深耕20cm以上,并结合深耕施足底肥,667m~2施农家肥2500~3000kg。 1.2 春浅耕。比秋耕稍浅些,主要是为了灭草和
In 1997, Guyuan No.4 Village, Erdaoqu Township, Guyuan County adopted high-yield cultivation techniques of “re-planting and replanting” to grow 0.53 hm ~ 2 of wheat, obtaining a good 350kg / 667m ~ 2 under drought without history The harvest, more than five times more than other villagers under the same conditions, became a typical example of a high yield in a disaster year. The measures are: 1 tillage 1.1 autumn plowing. The first year of autumn machine deep plowing more than 20cm, combined with deep plowing Shili enough fertilizer, 667m ~ 2 Shi Manjia 2500 ~ 3000kg. 1.2 spring shallow plowing. Slightly more than autumn plowing slightly, mainly to extinguish the grass and