May 1 International Labor Day is the day when the working class reviews its own power and it is the day when the working class unites itself to fight the enemy. In the 1880s, the capitalist countries in Europe and the United States entered the monopoly phase and the competition among capitalists became increasingly fierce. In order not to be eliminated from the competition and to make more money, the capitalists extended the workers ’working hours indefinitely so that they would work for more than 12 hours a day for a maximum of 18 hours while the workers’ wages were very modest So that even the minimum life can not be maintained. Under such circumstances, in order to improve their life and strive for an eight-hour working system, workers are united in their struggle against the capitalists. On October 7, 1884, the progressive workers in the United States gathered in Chicago and decided to hold a general strike on May 1, 1886, and conduct a large-scale