一、国内开展两系杂交小麦育种概况 杂种优势的利用是提高小麦单产的重要途径。试验表明,F1代杂种小麦较纯系品种一般增产15%—30%,世界各国从60年代以来,以T型不育系为基础的三系配套得到了广泛的研究利用。我国小麦杂交优势利用研
First, the domestic two-line hybrid wheat breeding Overview The utilization of heterosis is an important way to improve wheat yield. Tests showed that F1 hybrid wheat generally increased 15% -30% compared with pure lines. Since the 1960s, three-line mating based on T-type sterile lines has been extensively studied and utilized in various countries in the world.究 Research on Utilization of Heterosis in Wheat in China