今年国家订货的发电设备数量较往年下降幅度较大 ,实际工作量仅 1 9套 ,3753MW ,只相当于发电设备制造骨干企业实际生产能力的三分之一左右 ,大多数企业任务不足 ,将处于停产半停产状态。下表为国家机械局和国电公司联合下达的2 0 0 0年火电设备国家订货计划 :生 产 企 业
The number of power generation equipment ordered by the country this year has fallen by a large margin compared to previous years. The actual workload is only 19 sets and 3,753 MW, which is equivalent to only about one-third of the actual production capacity of key enterprises of power generation equipment manufacturing. Most companies will have insufficient tasks and will be Half-production stopped production. The following table shows the national ordering plan for thermal power equipment in 2000 issued by the National Machinery Bureau and State Power Corporation: Production Enterprise