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随着素质教育的实施,学生全面素质的提高受到更多的关注。小学数学教学不仅要使学生掌握相应的数学知识,还要不断提高学生的数学解题能力。解决问题是数学教学活动的核心,在解决问题的过程中,学生会经历探索数学知识的过程,使学生学会用数学思维和方法去解决问题,从转变教学观念、创设问题情境、鼓励自主探究并加强合作、正确对待错误资源、积极进行总结、加强系统练习等几个方面来探究如何提高小学生的数学解题能力。 With the implementation of quality education, the overall quality of students is receiving more attention. Primary mathematics teaching not only to enable students to master the corresponding mathematical knowledge, but also continue to improve students’ ability to solve mathematical problems. Solving the problem is the core of mathematics teaching activities. During the process of solving the problem, students will experience the process of exploring mathematics knowledge so that students can learn to use mathematical thinking and methods to solve the problem. They can change their teaching concepts, create problem situations, encourage self-exploration and strengthen Cooperation, the correct treatment of wrong resources, actively summarize and strengthen the system to explore several aspects such as how to improve pupils’ ability to solve mathematical problems.
5月3日,第53届苏州世乒赛落下帷幕,中国队收获4.5枚金牌。可以说,国乒在世乒赛上又一次创造了辉煌,实力依旧是一览众山小。  而外界对国乒的大包大揽也是议论纷纷,认为这影响了乒乓运动的发展。连白岩松也表示:“世乒赛看得越多,自己越精神分裂。一方面,为中国队员的胜利与超强的实力感到开心;另一方面,为乒乓球这项运动,在中国的影响力以及在世界上的发展前途感到深深的担心。一次又一次中国队在乒坛上大包大揽