钾离子内向整流器(Kir6.2)和磺脲类受体(SUR)共同组成ATP敏感的钾通道复合体。在胰岛素分泌和作用过程中,ATP敏感钾通道均发挥着十分重要的作用。Kir6.2和SUR编码基因同位于11q15,1,Kir 6.2位于SUR下游4.5Kb,仅有一个外显于,无内含子,全长1173 bp。在Cau-casian人群中研究发现的错义突变位点有E10K、E23K、L270V和I337V,此外,还发现两个寂静突变。本研究即观察Kir6.2基因上E23K和I337V两位点的多态性是否对正常糖耐量人群空腹胰岛素水平,胰岛B细胞分泌功能以及胰岛素敏感性构成影响。
Potassium-ion internal rectifier (Kir6.2) and sulfonylurea receptors (SUR) together constitute an ATP-sensitive potassium channel complex. ATP-sensitive potassium channels play an important role in the process of insulin secretion and action. Kir6.2 and SUR genes are located at 11q15, 1 and Kir 6.2 is located 4.5Kb downstream of SUR, and only one is extrinsic and no introns. The full-length gene is 1173 bp in length. Missense mutations found in the Cau-casian population included E10K, E23K, L270V and I337V, and two silent mutations were also found. This study was to observe whether the Kir6.2 gene E23K and I337V polymorphisms in two sites of normal glucose tolerance in patients with fasting insulin levels, pancreatic B cell secretion and insulin sensitivity affect the composition.