目的了解龙岩市水产品中副溶血性弧菌污染状况及菌株毒力基因携带和分子分型特征。方法 2013年6月-10月分别从福建省龙岩市某2家超市采集鱼、贝壳和海藻等标本,参照GB/T 4789.7—2008分离、鉴定副溶血性弧菌;对副溶血弧菌分离株进行tlh、tdh和trh基因检测;并用限制性内切酶SfiⅠ酶切后进行PFGE分子分型,用Bio Numerics4.0软件进行聚类分析。结果从287份水产品中检出副溶血性弧菌97株,检出率为33.8%,其中贝壳类的带菌率最高,为42.4%;97株副溶血性弧菌tlh基因均为阳性,tdh和trh基因均为阴性。经SfiⅠ酶切后电泳,97株副溶血弧菌分为88个不同的PFGE型。结论龙岩市水产品副溶血性弧菌污染较严重,卫生部门应采取有效措施防止由水产品引起的副溶血性弧菌食源性疾病;PFGE结果显示水产品中分离的副溶血性弧菌分型呈多态性,与水产品种类、采样时间、采样地点没有关联。
Objective To understand the contamination of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in aquatic products and the virulence genes carrying and molecular typing in Longyan City. Methods Samples of fish, shell and seaweed were collected from two supermarkets in Longyan, Fujian Province from June to October 2013 respectively. Vibrio parahaemolyticus was isolated and identified according to GB / T 4789.7-2008. Vibrio parahaemolyticus Tlh, tdh and trh gene detection; and restriction endonuclease Sfi I digested PFGE molecular typing, using Bio Numerics4.0 software for cluster analysis. Results 97 strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus were detected from 287 aquatic products, the detection rate was 33.8%, of which shell fungi had the highest rate of 42.4%. 97 strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus tlh gene were positive, tdh And trh gene are negative. After digestion with Sfi I, 97 strains of V. parahaemolyticus were divided into 88 different PFGE types. Conclusion Longyan aquatic Vibrio parahaemolyticus was polluted seriously. The health department should take effective measures to prevent foodborne diseases caused by aquatic Vibrio parahaemolyticus. PFGE results showed that Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from aquatic products Polymorphism, and aquatic species, sampling time, sampling sites are not related.