商业是从事商品流转的国民经济部门,市场是商品流通的渠道。因此,任何存在商品经济的国家都要有商业和市场,只是它们的性质和作用由于社会生产方式的不同而有所不同。 在十月革命胜利后的苏俄,当时只有资产阶级拥有大量货币,并且成了资产阶级进行投机倒把的手段,所以列宁当时认为商品货币关系是资本主义剥削的产物,因此他主张“社会主义就是消灭商品经济。”这也就与马恩关于社会主义条件下不存在商品货币
Business is the national economy department that is engaged in the circulation of commodities. The market is the channel for the circulation of commodities. Therefore, any country with a commodity economy needs to have commerce and markets, except that their nature and function differ according to the mode of social production. After the victory of the October Revolution, only the bourgeoisie possessed a lot of money and became the means by which the bourgeoisie was opportunistic. Thus Lenin at the time considered the commodity-currency relationship a product of capitalist exploitation and therefore advocated that “socialism is the elimination of socialism Commodity economy. ”This is also the case with Marn on the absence of commodity currencies under the conditions of socialism