网络营销 (On—lineMarketing)是企业营销实践与现代信息通讯技术、计算机网络技术相结合的产物 ,它是企业整体营销战略的一个组成部分 ,是建立在互联网基础之上、借助于互联网特性来实现一定营销目标的一种营销手段。网络营销以其成本低、信息量大、传播范围广、速度快、无时间地域限制、形象生动、可双向交流、反馈迅速等特点 ,越来越显示出传统商品营销无法比拟的优越性。本文就现阶段我国网络营销发展中应注意的一些问题 ,提出了作者的一些看法。
On-line marketing is a product of combining marketing practice with modern information and communication technology and computer network technology. It is an integral part of an enterprise’s overall marketing strategy. It is based on the Internet and is implemented with the help of Internet features A marketing goal of a marketing tool. With its characteristics of low cost, large amount of information, wide range of communication, fast speed, no geographical restriction of time and time, vivid images, two-way communication and rapid feedback, network marketing more and more shows the superiority that traditional commodity marketing can not match. In this paper, we should pay attention to some problems in the development of network marketing in our country and put forward some opinions of the author.