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你主动摸过自己的脉搏吗?我敢保证80%的人都没有。然而自查脉搏却是自我保健的重要方法!脉搏是动脉血管随心跳产生的搏动,全身只要有动脉的地方就有脉搏。心脏每“跳”一下,全身的脉搏就随之搏动一次,因此,脉搏是反映心脏搏动情况的晴雨表。脉搏快就说明心跳快,反之脉搏慢就提示心跳慢。首先我们要知道自己平时的脉搏是多少,这一点很重要。检查脉搏的方法很简单,把自己的食指和中指放 Do you take the initiative to touch your pulse? I can guarantee that 80% of people do not. However, self-examination pulse is an important method of self-care! Pulse is the heartbeat of the pulse generated by the heartbeat, the body as long as there is a pulse of the artery. Every time the heart jumps, the pulse of the whole body is pulsated. Therefore, the pulse is a barometer reflecting the heartbeat of the heart. Fast pulse on the fast heart, on the contrary slow pulse prompt heart slow. First of all, it is important that we know what the usual pulse is. The way to check your pulse is simple, put your index finger and middle finger on
Adaptive control of servo actuator with nonlinear friction compensation is addressed.LuGre dynamic friction model is adopted to characterize the nonlinear frict
我院自1985年以来6年间,以治以癫痫为首发症状,经CT扫描和手术证实为大脑皮质下2cm以下小占位病变35例病人,我们称成小占位,现小结如下。 1 临床资料 患者:男20例,女15例。
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The flow process of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride(U-PVC)through the mixing zone of intermeshing counter-rotating and co-rotating twin-screw extruders(TSEs)we
芸豆新品种“阜芸1号”由“特嫩5号”的变异单株经多代系统选育而成。该品种生育期80~85d,成熟荚白绿色,扁形,顺直,平均荚长23.0cm,抗锈病和根腐病,667m~2产量2 000kg左右。