该夏令营将于7月25日至8月4日在英国著名的普赛尔音乐学校举办,本次邀请了英国皇家音乐学院教授、普赛尔音乐学校钢琴系主任William Fong,英国皇家音乐学院、普赛尔音乐学校教授卓一龙以及青年钢琴家Caterina Grewaw等名师执教。表现优异的前六名学员将获得200至800英镑的奖学金,具体活动内容请关注杂志或官方微信公众号,以及时获取详细内容。
The summer camp will be held from July 25 to August 4 at the famous Purcell Conservatory in the UK. This time, Prof. William Fong, professor of the Royal College of Music and director of the piano department of Purcell Conservatory of Music, Royal Academy of Music, Purcell music school professor Zhuo Yilong and young pianist Caterina Grewaw and other famous teacher. Outstanding performance of the top six students will receive 200 to 800 pounds of scholarships, the specific activities of content, please pay attention to the magazine or the official WeChat public number, and timely access to the details.